Family that celebrates together...stays together!

Spaghetti! Spaghetti! That's for you, Andrea!

Turning thirty....well I thought, back when I was 21 that 30 was going to be really hard for me, but surprisingly it's been great! I think when you turn 30, at least for me anyway, you hit a realization in life. You really come to realize the important things in life. Not that I didn't know what was important before but that it is now at a whole new level. I feel happier than I have ever been and I try to stay happy and positive no matter what. Thirty is when you really start living.:) (That's for all my "thirty" friends).
January 24th, 2008 was an amazing day. I feel so blessed to have friends and family around me who care for me so much and thanks to Jenn's memory book, whenever I am feeling down on myself, I just have to read all the wonderful things that she and my friends and family wrote about me. My dear friend, Christa, surprised me with a facial and pedicure. What a great way to start the day! I was thinking Keith had planned the whole thing, but no, it was all Christa. Then I had lunch with my friends...sorry for those of you who didn't know it was my birthday...I was trying to play the humble person by not mentioning it...next time I will just come out and say it! Cafe Rio was delicious as usual. Then I had a little party that night with my family and a few close friends. I went to bed that night feeling very happy with the day, but a bit disappointed because there was no big surprise from my husband. (Which, if you know Keith...it is so unlike him). I had been waiting all day for my birthday surprise from him, but nothing happened. I went to bed thinking he was just busy and it was okay. And he was busy...he had planned an amazing surprise party for me at Jillian's. I had no clue...YOU ARE ALL GREAT LIARS. I was totally surprised and taken back. It was so much fun. Thank you to everyone for making turning 30 so much fun!!! Everyone was too generous with their gifts, cards, and time. Thank you!!!! Words cannot express how good it feels to have friends and family like the ones I have. God has truly blessed my life and I am so thankful for all of you! You may not realize it, but each person I meet, become friends with, and love touches my life and helps make me the kind of person I am today. Here is to the next 30 years!!! (Jenn says I won't get another memory book until I'm 60...I'm holding you to it!)
Thirty and LOVING it!!!!