My little Owen turned one on Saturday, November 15th. He is so much fun! He is such a happy baby. I love when he wraps his little arms around my neck and hugs me tight. He's my little lovable baby. He loves pushing cars around on the floor, throwing balls (or anything for that matter) and crawling towards the stairs as fast as he can thinking we won't catch him. I can't believe one year has already gone by. Life goes by so fast and the little ones seem to grow even faster. And now that Owen is one, I decided it was time to get him to sleep in his crib and guess what? He is doing very well. He wakes up once maybe twice but I just go in and pat him on the back and let him know I didn't abandoned him. No crying for hours and hours, just some crying for about 15 to 20 minutes and a little comforting and he is back to sleep. This I can handle! I have to admit, I do miss him sleeping next to me.:) He is one happy baby!
Owen's favorite things:
Bath time
Being Outside
Chicken Nuggets
Sweet Potatoes
The Wii (he gets so excited whenever Mason turns it on)
More Pictures to come!