Mason is now a graduate of the three year old preschool class and will now move up to the four year old pre-k class. Ahhhhhhh! We are so proud. This was his end of the year program. Grandma and grandpa Ceci were there to show their support and help hold Owen.
How cute are these two!!! What's with the faces?

Best Friends!

This is Miss Kelly (Mason's teacher and of course Grandma Char and Papa Bob. Great smile, dad!:)

Tennille, John, and Isaac showing their love for their favorite nephew. hee hee

He's a lady's man! He looks like he should be at a Wedding in Newport Beach. They grow up so fast. He can't wait to be 5 so he can go onto kindergarten and I just want him to stay little. Mason brings so much joy to our family. He has so much personality and always wants to know everything! He asks lots of questions. It's been a great year with Miss Kelly and Mason can now write his name all by himself. We are proud of our little man. He reminds me everyday that I should just sit back and enjoy life!
Hey Roz! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever.. it's been what? A week?! Mason is such a ham. Love him! I will teach you how to digi scrap whenever we find the time, ah.. time... yes.
Yea! you updated your blog. Love the pictures!
It's "Mrs. Ceci!!!" (Calvin C's mom from 3rd grade...totally understand if you don't remember me. :) I was clicking a friend's blog and saw your name so I had to stop and say hello. What a darling family you have!
Hey, I might be taking some courses toward my MFT degree this fall and I remember talking to you re. this a while ago - shoot me an email (our blog is private, so I'll send you an invite). Carey C.
ROZ....How are you? What a little Man you have. You really better watching him when he hits the Big K!! He is going to be a girl killer!!! ;) I just heard about your Gma and just wanted to tell ya that we are thinking about your Dad and all of your Family. We Love You All. Please tell your SiS HI 4 me, and that I love them 2. Hug Nat's 4 me k.
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