Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dinner Time!

Sophie thought this was helping mommy clean off the table.

So I just thought I would post what dinner time is like at our house (sometimes).  It's not always like this, it was just one of those days. :)  Sophie decided that instead of actually eating her dinner, she was going to play with her dinner.  Mason insisted on grating the cheese all by himself and poor mommy was busy nursing Owen...what could she do, but smile and take it all in.  And just as I was about to scold them for making such a big mess...I crabbed my camera. Share the mess!!  This happened to be a very long day for me.  AHHHHH  life with three!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

You do a fantastic job Roz! (PS Sophie enjoyed playing with her food at my house the other night. I have a funny picture of her with spaghetti in her hair!)