So my little Owen is now 10 months old and still getting up to nurse about every 3 and 1/2 hours and it is exhausting to say the least. Keith has been out of town all week and my mom took both Mason and Sophie last night for a sleep over, thank you mom!! So I decided it would be a good night to let Owen cry it out because it was just me and him. He went to sleep around 7:30pm and woke up crying around 10:50pm. I let him cry until 11:00 and then I went in, gave him a couple of more pacifiers so he would have enough, patted him on the back and went back out. It was so sad, he cried so hard and I just sat at the computer and wanted to cry. He finally stopped crying 15 minutes later and I watched him on the monitor. He was just sitting in his crib and every once and awhile he would fuss a bit. I decided to go in one more time to make sure he had his pacifiers. He had thrown all 3 out of his crib and when he saw me again he started crying and reaching for me. I could resist and I picked him up and nursed him. He didn't go back to sleep right away. Instead, while I rocked him, he just kept lifting his head and looking at me like, "Why did you do that to me mommy?" So sad! I'm too much of a softy and so I guess I will endure the sleepless nights a few more months. Maybe I will try again when he is a year. It's just too hard! Any suggestions????
Wow, he knows how to work it. I think if marissa did the same thing I would do the same b/c i'm a softy too.
Well, I don't know if my advice will really help. With Gabe we let him cry it out. We would go in his room in 10, 15, 20 minute increments. It took him a couple of nights, but he finally got it. With Marissa, she just got it on her own. One night she just decided to sleep through the night and has stuck to it. So I was really lucky with her. HOpe he gets it soon.
Ah, roz.. you are a softy :) I say you try again sooner than later because I am sure that was a stepping stone for him so I wouldn't wait long.
but.. what do i know? ava is up just as often.
This is always SO hard! Now that he's so old, he'll cry and cry and cry. The only thing to do is let him cry. There's no magic way to get him to sleep through the night, unfortunately. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be. Best of luck!
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