This past Saturday Keith and Mitch participated in a Triathlon in Boulder City. The Wells family came out to show their support! Thanks guys!

Keith's mom also came out to not only show her support but to help me out with the kids. Thanks Pattie!:)

Here he comes, about to cross the finish line. He swam, he biked, he ran...he did it! I am so proud of Keith for this great accomplishment. It was so much fun to cheer him on as he switched from biking to running and it was even more fun to cheer him on when he finished the entire race. That is one of Keith's most admirable qualities, DETERMINATION! Once Keith makes a
decision about anything in his life he sticks with it and gives it 110% ! Good job honey!!!!

How lucky is Keith to have such a
smokin' hot fan!
hee hee
Here's Keith giving his best friend support. "Come on Mitch, your almost there!" Not sure that is what he said but it sounds good to me.:)

Yeah you did it Mitch! Jenn made the cutest shirts for the girls that said "Swim Daddy Swim, Bike Daddy Bike, Run Daddy Run!" So cute! I know Jenn was very proud of her husband too!

Friends that race together...stay together!:) Great job guys!!!
When is the next one?
I had no idea that he could do a Triathlon! That is so awesome. Congrats on the accomplishment!
Ok so jealous that you can do a triathalon cant wait to do one! now that i have your address Roz you have to come and check out my blog so we can keep in touch this way too..not that i dont see you all the time!! love ALison
Roz, I want to hear how the party went? I ought to call you up tom.
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