Mason is our oldest. He is our most sensitive child who never likes to be wrong about anything. Mason is so kind hearted and absolutely LOVES sports. He has tons of energy and is a very fast learner. Mason enjoys playing and watching sports on t.v., playing the Wii, and reading books. He just mastered how to ride his bike without training wheels, thanks to dad's help. :) Mason is a great helper around the house and very independent. He always tells me how much he loves me and it melts my heart every time.

Sweet Sophie! Our middle child. She is surrounded by boys, but that doesn't mean she can't be totally girly. She loves to sing, wear high heels, have her hair in ponies, and read her princess books. Sophie makes our family laugh with the funny things she says and does. She loves sweets and always eats all the frosting off cookies and cakes. She is such a joy!

Ah, little or should I say BIG Owen. He has completed our little family. He is so much fun. He now says, "mama"(well he's been saying that for awhile now), "papa", "hi", "bye-bye" and "MINE" Keith is still waiting for "dada".:) He hasn't mastered walking just yet, but he is working on it.

Our Three little rascals! They are the happiness in our world!
This is our little family and I think they are all amazing...then again I am the mom so I am a little biased. I think it is important to brag openly and publicly about your children (tastefully of course). They need to know that we, as their parents, think they are wonderful little people. It helps build confidence. I know my children are not perfect but they have some amazing personalities that I truly LOVE. It is so great being a mom. Some days are completely exhausting, and if you are a mother you can relate, but other days are so wonderful and so rewarding. Each day is a new adventure and a new enlightening moment. So to all you mothers out there...BRAG AWAY!!!
1 comment:
Beautiful pics!! they are adorable!
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