This is Mason. He is currently 4 years old and quite intelligent. He recently learned how to ride his bike without training wheels, can write his own name, and is currently learning how to read pattern books, so we find ourselves asking why such a child would stick gum up his nose. Not only did he stick gum up his nose but he didn't tell us for about 2 days which in turn caused an infection and he broke out in a pimply rash on his face. Keith found the gum two nights ago while helping him blow his nose, thinking he was just congested from a cold....oh no we were wrong...it was the gum and the infection that was causing the stuffy nose. He blew it right out and we, well I couldn't stop laughing. Ah the joys of parenthood. This will be a fun story to tell his first girlfriend for sure!
That is such a funny story. Hopefully he is feeling better and the rash goes away...but still an awesome story to tell many future girlfriends.;)
by the way, here is that link:
that is a funny story! he's a super cute kid!
Too funny! Taylor was playing with thread when she was maybe two, and some how we ended up in the ER trying to pull it out of her nose! Poor girl. Mason must be adventurous like my Taylor!
Your Christmas card was so beautiful. Miss you guys. xoxo
I think every parent has one of these stories for one of their kids. Kyle was nice enough to stick a bean up Sammi's nose. We couldn't get it out. I even tried the vacuum. We finally had to go to the hospital for them to take it out. We tried calling her bean for awhile and she would get SO MAD! I love the great stories that come out of our trying events as parents.
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